Play Aion

Server Info

Level Up FREEbies Rewards

FREEbies Info

Upon reaching level 10 players can talk with Laira in Sanctum or Pandaemonium

Laira will offer 2 quests [Event/Daily] Laira's Gift and [Event] Laira's Present

[Event/Daily] Laira's Gift can be repeated everyday and will reward player with candies

[Event] Laira's Present can be obtained only once and will reward players with [Event] Helpful Welcome Bundle

The [Event] Helpful Welcome Bundle rewards several items (Click on Contains button to see the items)

More rewards can be found in the [Event] Twin's Gift Boxes,

Custom Changes

Changes List

  • - Gear doesn't break upon failing an enchant
  • - Enchanting has been capped at +20, tempering +5 for accessories and +10 for plume/bracelet.
  • - Enchanting and manastone rates have been increased.
  • - Luna instances XP rewards have been improved.
  • - S rank, 7 day & 7 week quest rewards have been improved.
  • - BG rewards have a chance to give more valuable items such as stigmas and omega enchantment stones.
  • - The overall amount of medals gained from BGs have also been increased.
  • - Upgrade Materials for Prime Archon / Guardian Commander gear and/or Master Harvester gear have been added to many boss' drops and BG rewards.
  • - EB S rank rewards have been revamped; S rank gives spinel medals now, along with other valuable items.
  • - Most Iluma and Norsvold daily / weekly quests now give +1, +2 or +3 manastones, depending on the frequency and/or difficulty of the quest. Their XP has also been improved.
  • - Gray Wolf Marks can now be used to buy stigmas, godstones and composite manastones in Iluma and Norsvold camps, in addition to their standard use of buying pve accessories.
  • - Xform HP has been reduced, moreover, xform wears off when the player logs off.
  • - Some Aetherforging crafting recipes have been altered.
  • - Added Recharger NPC (Katherina) in the Concert Hall and enabled duel in that instance. Players can join the Concert Hall using the teleports found in Sanctum or Pandaemonium
  • - Elemental Transforms cooldowns have been increased as well as the cast time, they can be used only in Iluma, Norsvold, Kaldor, Levinshor, Reshanta, Inggison, Gelkmaros, Cygnea, Enshar
  • - Added PvP damage nerfs to some minions skills as well as lowering the buffs effect some of the minion skills apply to player that summons them

Play Aion Server Settings



Server Version


Maximum Level


Server Locations


Maximum concurrent clients per PC


Ap Rate


Drop Rate


Exp Rate (Mobs)


Exp Rate (Quests)


Exp Rate (Craft)


Kinah Rate


Latency Examples

EU Server

EU Server Ping